
The ability to instantly send messages to an individual or group without paper or a stamp doesn’t mean that the communication is free. Poor communication consumes relational capital and reflects negatively on Crossings Christian School.

Content and Use – CCS email (including but not limited to RenWeb, emails accounts, or any other system which allows emails to be distributed to the entire school family or a subset of the school family) should be used for official CCS business and information, or events that are officially sanctioned by CCS. Individuals must use discretion when using email accounts to communicate one-on-one for personal matters.

Subject Line – The subject line should be concise and informative. It should include the school (some families have children in more than one school). the division or group, the class if appropriate and a concise statement of content:


Subject: Assignment Change
Subject: CCS, Upperschool, Algebra assignment change

Subject: Meeting Tuesday
Subject: CCS, Drama Club, Spring Production Meeting Tuesday

Spelling – Find out how to use your spell checker and use it. There is no excuse for misspelled words. Also, use the proper word, i.e. “your” and “you’re.”

Revisions: proofread many times, send once – Think through what you need to communicate and make sure all the necessary information is there. Does it make sense? Did you answer the Five W’s? If later you have to send a revision, include all the original info and highlight the changed item(s).


First email:

Subject: Assignment Change
Message: The assignment that was due Monday will now be due on Tuesday.

Subject: CCS, Upperschool, Algebra assignment change
Message: Homework for third period algebra, problems 4-21 (even) from page 382 that were originally due on Monday, are now due on Tuesday.

Revised email:

Subject: Assignment Change
Message: Sorry, make that Wednesday.

Subject: (update) CCS, Upperschool, Algebra assignment change
Message: Homework for third period algebra, problems 4-21 (even) from page 382 that were originally due on Monday, are now due on Wednesday (not Tuesday).

Signature blocks – All electronic communications using Crossings Christian School email addresses or sent from CCS computers or devices or through the CCS provided Internet access, including original messages, replies, and forwarded emails, should include an email signature at the end of the sender’s text.

Each email signature is expected to conform to the following format and content standards:

  • Horizontal bar at beginning and end of email signature (75 character maximum per line)
  • First and last name, middle initial optional, professional designation optional (ex: PhD, MLS, APR)
  • Job title, either the HR title or the “working title”
  • Organization name, Crossings Christian School (plus school division, grade or subgroup name if applicable)
  • Contact info to include AT LEAST ONE of the following – phone, fax, pager, and/or mobile (can move up email and web address to this line if no fax or mobile is available)
  • Email address (recipients can hit reply, but sometimes does not appear in forwards)
  • Web address of the school (
  • Social Media tag if related to the department, division, grade or group you are a part of
  • Arial font, black, 8-12 point size for all parts – body, header, and signature
  • Items separated by “ | “ or a pipe, in bold


John L. Doe, PhD | Director of Language Arts
Crossings Christian School | Dept./Office of XYZ or Building Name 123
Phone: 405-XXX-XXXX | Fax: 405-XXX-XXXX (or mobile, pager, etc.) |
Follow us on Twitter: @CCSLanguageArts

Email signatures should NOT contain the following:

  • Mailing Address
  • Graphics (unless approved and provided by the Development Department)
  • Disclaimers, legal statements, quotes
  • Social Media links not related to school (i.e. your personal Twitter account)