CCS’s communications strategy begins with the guidelines in this style guide. The guidelines provide all the information necessary to ensure the accurate and effective presentation of CCS to internal and external audiences. The guidelines encompass CCS’s family of graphic elements, including the logo, nomenclature, wordmarks, emblems, positioning statement, academic and athletic logos, color palette, recommended typefaces and applications to the stationary system, presentation media and the CCS website.
Who are the guidelines for?
The administration, teachers, students and families of CCS must follow these guidelines. Additionally, all academic, athletic and extracurricular groups or organizations that are not legally autonomous must follow these guidelines. Outside agencies, publishers or vendors that create print, electronic or branded merchandise for CCS are also required to abide by these guidelines.
The appearance and exposure of the Crossings brand must be constant. In even the most entrepreneurial culture where “all permissions are granted unless expressly denied,” identity must be the great exception, in which all permissions are denied unless expressly granted. Otherwise, chaos will rule.
Edward Tufte says this well: “If there is a well thought-out design standard, it should be followed. In practice, great design comes from great designers. That is empirically the case. If a great designer did a first-rate standard, that model should be followed. Great design is not democratic; it comes from great designers. If the standard is lousy, then develop another standard.”
Every single form of communication has a bearing on the identity of the school. Each sign, email, form, ad, brochure and presentation (to name just a few) either communicates who we are, where we are going and the value proposition we support—or it doesn’t. To not clearly communicate our identity is not just a missed opportunity, it is a dilution of the effort we expend in this endeavor.
Our Identity Standard must address all existing communications, and the Design Team must assess the content, consistency and quality of the currently communicated identity message:
Business cards, Letterhead, Envelopes, Mailing labels, Notepads, Fax covers, Internal memos, Press releases, Microsoft® Office templates, Report formats, Proposal formats
Purchase orders, Invoices, Checks, Contracts, Student Forms, Application materials, Human resource materials: employment applications, benefits
Phone systems
Greeting, Voicemail style, Acceptable “shorthand”
Brochures, Booklets, Flyers, Curriculum catalogues
Student/Family magazine or newsletter, Employee newsletter, External e-mail newsletter, Internal e-mail newsletter
Interior, Exterior, Vehicle
Employee badges, Visitor badges, Contractor badges, Security, Faculty Dress Code, Student Dress Code
Exhibit systems
Trade show booths/exhibits, Floor displays, Posters, Banners
Web and interactive
Site design and interface, Web page templates, Information design, Content style and administration, Corporate Web site, Division/group sites (sports, booster, clubs, store, etc), IT systems, Employee intranet site, Web advertising, E-commerce site, E-mail style, Multimedia presentations
TV advertising signature, Print ads, Outdoor ads, Vehicle ads, Direct mail campaigns, Banner ads, Web, Co-op advertising
Branded merchandise
Student clothing, Adult/Booster clothing, Faculty usage, Non-clothing items
Commercial and promotional use of the CCS marks
Crossings Christian School asserts ownership over its name, marks and slogans, and those cannot be used to imply or suggest endorsement of any product or service not provided by the school. The school’s marks, positioning statement, athletic and academic marks are registered and protected by law. Individuals and organizations outside the school who wish to use any of the school’s marks for commercial purposes or for promotional activities must first obtain permission from the Development Office.
Teri Inman, Development Director
Phone: 405.842-8495
Graphic standards oversight
CCS’s Development Office administers the graphic identity program. All general policy questions or request for variances should be directed to the Development Office. The Development Office, the Headmaster and the School Board of Directors work together to oversee implementation of the guidelines, provide consulting and ensure compliance.
Crossings Christian School maintains that the school logo, nomenclature, wordmarks, emblems, positioning statement, academic logos and athletic logos be used in ways and contexts that are consistent with CCS’s purpose, statement of faith and mission.
Additionally, CCS prohibits the use of school marks with language or depictions that are insensitive or offensive based on race/ethnicity, color, gender, creed, religion, sexual orientation, or national origin.
Legal ownership statement
Crossings Christian School asserts ownership over its name, trademarks, slogans, logos, mascot and any combination that refers to or is associated with CCS. This intellectual property is registered with the United States Patent and Trademark Office and the Office of the Secretary of State of Oklahoma. The Development Office, working with legal counsel, is responsible for the administration and management of CCS’s trademarks and logos.
The mission for the Development Office in relation to CCS marks and logos is to 1) ensure proper use of those marks, logos and other insignia that have come to be associated with CCS; 2) generate income to support and enhance the scholastic missions of the school and 3) protect the school’s reputation, good name and image by permitting only appropriate uses and assuring that only quality products bear the school’s name, initials or logos.
Any department of the school that purchases items bearing the school’s logos or marks must first obtain permission from the Development Office.